2019-07-23 14:33:29 +02:00

2431 lines
102 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* This PHP class will read an ICS (`.ics`, `.ical`, `.ifb`) file, parse it and return an
* array of its contents.
* PHP 5 (≥ 5.3.0)
* @author Jonathan Goode <>
* @license MIT License
* @version 2.1.4
namespace ICal;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class ICal
// phpcs:disable Generic.Arrays.DisallowLongArraySyntax.Found
const DATE_TIME_FORMAT = 'Ymd\THis';
const RECURRENCE_EVENT = 'Generated recurrence event';
const SECONDS_IN_A_WEEK = 604800;
const TIME_FORMAT = 'His';
const TIME_ZONE_UTC = 'UTC';
const UNIX_FORMAT = 'U';
const UNIX_MIN_YEAR = 1970;
* Tracks the number of alarms in the current iCal feed
* @var integer
public $alarmCount = 0;
* Tracks the number of events in the current iCal feed
* @var integer
public $eventCount = 0;
* Tracks the free/busy count in the current iCal feed
* @var integer
public $freeBusyCount = 0;
* Tracks the number of todos in the current iCal feed
* @var integer
public $todoCount = 0;
* The value in years to use for indefinite, recurring events
* @var integer
public $defaultSpan = 2;
* Enables customisation of the default time zone
* @var string
public $defaultTimeZone;
* The two letter representation of the first day of the week
* @var string
public $defaultWeekStart = 'MO';
* Toggles whether to skip the parsing of recurrence rules
* @var boolean
public $skipRecurrence = false;
* Toggles whether to use time zone info when parsing recurrence rules
* @var boolean
public $useTimeZoneWithRRules = false;
* Toggles whether to disable all character replacement.
* @var boolean
public $disableCharacterReplacement = false;
* The parsed calendar
* @var array
public $cal = array();
* Tracks the VFREEBUSY component
* @var integer
protected $freeBusyIndex = 0;
* Variable to track the previous keyword
* @var string
protected $lastKeyword;
* Cache valid time zones to avoid unnecessary lookups
* @var array
protected $validTimeZones = array();
* Event recurrence instances that have been altered
* @var array
protected $alteredRecurrenceInstances = array();
* An associative array containing ordinal data
* @var array
protected $dayOrdinals = array(
1 => 'first',
2 => 'second',
3 => 'third',
4 => 'fourth',
5 => 'fifth',
* An associative array containing weekday conversion data
* @var array
protected $weekdays = array(
'SU' => 'sunday',
'MO' => 'monday',
'TU' => 'tuesday',
'WE' => 'wednesday',
'TH' => 'thursday',
'FR' => 'friday',
'SA' => 'saturday',
* An associative array containing week conversion data
* (UK = SU, Europe = MO)
* @var array
protected $weeks = array(
'SA' => array('SA', 'SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR'),
'SU' => array('SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA'),
'MO' => array('MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA', 'SU'),
* An associative array containing month names
* @var array
protected $monthNames = array(
1 => 'January',
2 => 'February',
3 => 'March',
4 => 'April',
5 => 'May',
6 => 'June',
7 => 'July',
8 => 'August',
9 => 'September',
10 => 'October',
11 => 'November',
12 => 'December',
* An associative array containing frequency conversion terms
* @var array
protected $frequencyConversion = array(
'DAILY' => 'day',
'WEEKLY' => 'week',
'MONTHLY' => 'month',
'YEARLY' => 'year',
* Define which variables can be configured
* @var array
private static $configurableOptions = array(
* Creates the ICal object
* @param mixed $files
* @param array $options
* @return void
public function __construct($files = false, array $options = array())
ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', '1');
foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
if (in_array($option, self::$configurableOptions)) {
$this->{$option} = $value;
// Fallback to use the system default time zone
if (!isset($this->defaultTimeZone) || !$this->isValidTimeZoneId($this->defaultTimeZone)) {
$this->defaultTimeZone = date_default_timezone_get();
if ($files !== false) {
$files = is_array($files) ? $files : array($files);
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($this->isFileOrUrl($file)) {
$lines = $this->fileOrUrl($file);
} else {
$lines = is_array($file) ? $file : array($file);
* Initialises lines from a string
* @param string $string
* @return ICal
public function initString($string)
if (empty($this->cal)) {
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $string);
} else {
trigger_error('ICal::initString: Calendar already initialised in constructor', E_USER_NOTICE);
return $this;
* Initialises lines from a file
* @param string $file
* @return ICal
public function initFile($file)
if (empty($this->cal)) {
$lines = $this->fileOrUrl($file);
} else {
trigger_error('ICal::initFile: Calendar already initialised in constructor', E_USER_NOTICE);
return $this;
* Initialises lines from a URL
* @param string $url
* @return ICal
public function initUrl($url)
return $this;
* Initialises the parser using an array
* containing each line of iCal content
* @param array $lines
* @return void
protected function initLines(array $lines)
$lines = $this->unfold($lines);
if (stristr($lines[0], 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR') !== false) {
$component = '';
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line = rtrim($line); // Trim trailing whitespace
$line = $this->removeUnprintableChars($line);
if (!$this->disableCharacterReplacement) {
$line = $this->cleanData($line);
$add = $this->keyValueFromString($line);
$keyword = $add[0];
$values = $add[1]; // May be an array containing multiple values
if (!is_array($values)) {
if (!empty($values)) {
$values = array($values); // Make an array as not already
$blankArray = array(); // Empty placeholder array
array_push($values, $blankArray);
} else {
$values = array(); // Use blank array to ignore this line
} elseif (empty($values[0])) {
$values = array(); // Use blank array to ignore this line
// Reverse so that our array of properties is processed first
$values = array_reverse($values);
foreach ($values as $value) {
switch ($line) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
$component = 'VTODO';
if (!is_array($value)) {
$component = 'VEVENT';
if (!is_array($value)) {
$component = 'VFREEBUSY';
if (!is_array($value)) {
$component = 'VALARM';
case 'END:VALARM':
$component = 'VEVENT';
$component = $value;
case 'END:VEVENT':
case 'END:VTODO':
$component = 'VCALENDAR';
$this->addCalendarComponentWithKeyAndValue($component, $keyword, $value);
if (!$this->skipRecurrence) {
// Apply changes to altered recurrence instances
if (!empty($this->alteredRecurrenceInstances)) {
$events = $this->cal['VEVENT'];
foreach ($this->alteredRecurrenceInstances as $alteredRecurrenceInstance) {
if (isset($alteredRecurrenceInstance['altered-event'])) {
$alteredEvent = $alteredRecurrenceInstance['altered-event'];
$key = key($alteredEvent);
$events[$key] = $alteredEvent[$key];
$this->cal['VEVENT'] = $events;
* Unfolds an iCal file in preparation for parsing
* (
* @param array $lines
* @return string
protected function unfold(array $lines)
$string = implode(PHP_EOL, $lines);
$string = preg_replace('/' . PHP_EOL . '[ \t]/', '', $string);
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $string);
return $lines;
* Add one key and value pair to the `$this->cal` array
* @param string $component
* @param string|boolean $keyword
* @param string $value
* @return void
protected function addCalendarComponentWithKeyAndValue($component, $keyword, $value)
if ($keyword == false) {
$keyword = $this->lastKeyword;
switch ($component) {
case 'VALARM':
$key1 = 'VEVENT';
$key2 = ($this->eventCount - 1);
$key3 = $component;
if (!isset($this->cal[$key1][$key2][$key3]["{$keyword}_array"])) {
$this->cal[$key1][$key2][$key3]["{$keyword}_array"] = array();
if (is_array($value)) {
// Add array of properties to the end
array_push($this->cal[$key1][$key2][$key3]["{$keyword}_array"], $value);
} else {
if (!isset($this->cal[$key1][$key2][$key3][$keyword])) {
$this->cal[$key1][$key2][$key3][$keyword] = $value;
if ($this->cal[$key1][$key2][$key3][$keyword] !== $value) {
$this->cal[$key1][$key2][$key3][$keyword] .= ',' . $value;
case 'VEVENT':
$key1 = $component;
$key2 = ($this->eventCount - 1);
if (!isset($this->cal[$key1][$key2]["{$keyword}_array"])) {
$this->cal[$key1][$key2]["{$keyword}_array"] = array();
if (is_array($value)) {
// Add array of properties to the end
array_push($this->cal[$key1][$key2]["{$keyword}_array"], $value);
} else {
if (!isset($this->cal[$key1][$key2][$keyword])) {
$this->cal[$key1][$key2][$keyword] = $value;
if ($keyword === 'EXDATE') {
if (trim($value) === $value) {
$array = array_filter(explode(',', $value));
$this->cal[$key1][$key2]["{$keyword}_array"][] = $array;
} else {
$value = explode(',', implode(',', $this->cal[$key1][$key2]["{$keyword}_array"][1]) . trim($value));
$this->cal[$key1][$key2]["{$keyword}_array"][1] = $value;
} else {
$this->cal[$key1][$key2]["{$keyword}_array"][] = $value;
if ($keyword === 'DURATION') {
$duration = new \DateInterval($value);
array_push($this->cal[$key1][$key2]["{$keyword}_array"], $duration);
if ($this->cal[$key1][$key2][$keyword] !== $value) {
$this->cal[$key1][$key2][$keyword] .= ',' . $value;
$key1 = $component;
$key2 = ($this->freeBusyIndex - 1);
$key3 = $keyword;
if ($keyword === 'FREEBUSY') {
if (is_array($value)) {
$this->cal[$key1][$key2][$key3][][] = $value;
} else {
$key = key($this->cal[$key1][$key2][$key3]);
$value = explode('/', $value);
$this->cal[$key1][$key2][$key3][$key][] = $value;
} else {
$this->cal[$key1][$key2][$key3][] = $value;
case 'VTODO':
$this->cal[$component][$this->todoCount - 1][$keyword] = $value;
$this->cal[$component][$keyword] = $value;
$this->lastKeyword = $keyword;
* Gets the key value pair from an iCal string
* @param string $text
* @return array
protected function keyValueFromString($text)
$text = htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$colon = strpos($text, ':');
$quote = strpos($text, '"');
if ($colon === false) {
$matches = array();
} elseif ($quote === false || $colon < $quote) {
list($before, $after) = explode(':', $text, 2);
$matches = array($text, $before, $after);
} else {
list($before, $text) = explode('"', $text, 2);
$text = '"' . $text;
$matches = str_getcsv($text, ':');
$combinedValue = '';
foreach ($matches as $key => $match) {
if ($key === 0) {
if (!empty($before)) {
$matches[$key] = $before . '"' . $matches[$key] . '"';
} else {
if ($key > 1) {
$combinedValue .= ':';
$combinedValue .= $matches[$key];
$matches = array_slice($matches, 0, 2);
$matches[1] = $combinedValue;
array_unshift($matches, $before . $text);
if (count($matches) === 0) {
return false;
if (preg_match('/^([A-Z-]+)([;][\w\W]*)?$/', $matches[1])) {
$matches = array_splice($matches, 1, 2); // Remove first match and re-align ordering
// Process properties
if (preg_match('/([A-Z-]+)[;]([\w\W]*)/', $matches[0], $properties)) {
// Remove first match
// Fix to ignore everything in keyword after a ; (e.g. Language, TZID, etc.)
$matches[0] = $properties[0];
array_shift($properties); // Repeat removing first match
$formatted = array();
foreach ($properties as $property) {
// Match semicolon separator outside of quoted substrings
preg_match_all('~[^' . PHP_EOL . '";]+(?:"[^"\\\]*(?:\\\.[^"\\\]*)*"[^' . PHP_EOL . '";]*)*~', $property, $attributes);
// Remove multi-dimensional array and use the first key
$attributes = (sizeof($attributes) === 0) ? array($property) : reset($attributes);
if (is_array($attributes)) {
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
// Match equals sign separator outside of quoted substrings
'~[^' . PHP_EOL . '"=]+(?:"[^"\\\]*(?:\\\.[^"\\\]*)*"[^' . PHP_EOL . '"=]*)*~',
// Remove multi-dimensional array and use the first key
$value = (sizeof($values) === 0) ? null : reset($values);
if (is_array($value) && isset($value[1])) {
// Remove double quotes from beginning and end only
$formatted[$value[0]] = trim($value[1], '"');
// Assign the keyword property information
$properties[0] = $formatted;
// Add match to beginning of array
array_unshift($properties, $matches[1]);
$matches[1] = $properties;
return $matches;
} else {
return false; // Ignore this match
* Returns a `DateTime` object from an iCal date time format
* @param string $icalDate
* @param boolean $forceTimeZone
* @param boolean $forceUtc
* @return DateTime
* @throws \Exception
public function iCalDateToDateTime($icalDate, $forceTimeZone = false, $forceUtc = false)
* iCal times may be in 3 formats, (
* UTC: Has a trailing 'Z'
* Floating: No time zone reference specified, no trailing 'Z', use local time
* TZID: Set time zone as specified
* Use DateTime class objects to get around limitations with `mktime` and `gmmktime`.
* Must have a local time zone set to process floating times.
$pattern = '/\AT?Z?I?D?=?(.*):?'; // [1]: Time zone
$pattern .= '([0-9]{4})'; // [2]: YYYY
$pattern .= '([0-9]{2})'; // [3]: MM
$pattern .= '([0-9]{2})'; // [4]: DD
$pattern .= 'T?'; // Time delimiter
$pattern .= '([0-9]{0,2})'; // [5]: HH
$pattern .= '([0-9]{0,2})'; // [6]: MM
$pattern .= '([0-9]{0,2})'; // [7]: SS
$pattern .= '(Z?)/'; // [8]: UTC flag
preg_match($pattern, $icalDate, $date);
if (empty($date)) {
throw new \Exception('Invalid iCal date format.');
// A Unix timestamp cannot represent a date prior to 1 Jan 1970
$year = $date[2];
$isUtc = false;
if ($year <= self::UNIX_MIN_YEAR) {
$eventTimeZone = ltrim(strstr($icalDate, ':', true), 'TZID=');
if (empty($eventTimeZone)) {
$dateTime = new \DateTime($icalDate, new \DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone));
} else {
$icalDate = ltrim(strstr($icalDate, ':'), ':');
$dateTime = new \DateTime($icalDate, new \DateTimeZone($eventTimeZone));
} else {
if ($forceTimeZone) {
// TZID={Time Zone}:
if (isset($date[1])) {
$eventTimeZone = rtrim($date[1], ':');
if ($date[8] === 'Z') {
$isUtc = true;
$dateTime = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone(self::TIME_ZONE_UTC));
} elseif (isset($eventTimeZone) && $this->isValidIanaTimeZoneId($eventTimeZone)) {
$dateTime = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($eventTimeZone));
} elseif (isset($eventTimeZone) && $this->isValidCldrTimeZoneId($eventTimeZone)) {
$dateTime = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($this->isValidCldrTimeZoneId($eventTimeZone, true)));
} else {
$dateTime = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone));
} else {
if ($forceUtc) {
$dateTime = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone(self::TIME_ZONE_UTC));
} else {
$dateTime = new \DateTime('now');
$dateTime->setDate((int) $date[2], (int) $date[3], (int) $date[4]);
$dateTime->setTime((int) $date[5], (int) $date[6], (int) $date[7]);
if ($forceTimeZone && $isUtc) {
$dateTime->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone));
} elseif ($forceUtc) {
$dateTime->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(self::TIME_ZONE_UTC));
return $dateTime;
* Returns a Unix timestamp from an iCal date time format
* @param string $icalDate
* @param boolean $forceTimeZone
* @param boolean $forceUtc
* @return integer
public function iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($icalDate, $forceTimeZone = false, $forceUtc = false)
$dateTime = $this->iCalDateToDateTime($icalDate, $forceTimeZone, $forceUtc);
$offset = 0;
if ($forceTimeZone) {
$offset = $dateTime->getOffset();
return $dateTime->getTimestamp() + $offset;
* Returns a date adapted to the calendar time zone depending on the event `TZID`
* @param array $event
* @param string $key
* @param string $format
* @return string|boolean
public function iCalDateWithTimeZone(array $event, $key, $format = self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT)
if (!isset($event[$key . '_array']) || !isset($event[$key])) {
return false;
$dateArray = $event[$key . '_array'];
$date = $event[$key];
if ($key === 'DURATION') {
$duration = end($dateArray);
$dateTime = $this->parseDuration($event['DTSTART'], $duration, null);
} else {
$dateTime = new \DateTime($dateArray[1], new \DateTimeZone(self::TIME_ZONE_UTC));
$dateTime->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($this->calendarTimeZone()));
// Force time zone
if (isset($dateArray[0]['TZID'])) {
if ($this->isValidIanaTimeZoneId($dateArray[0]['TZID'])) {
$dateTime->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($dateArray[0]['TZID']));
} elseif ($this->isValidCldrTimeZoneId($dateArray[0]['TZID'])) {
$dateTime->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($this->isValidCldrTimeZoneId($dateArray[0]['TZID'], true)));
} else {
$dateTime->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone));
if (is_null($format)) {
$output = $dateTime;
} else {
if ($format === self::UNIX_FORMAT) {
$output = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
} else {
$output = $dateTime->format($format);
return $output;
* Performs admin tasks on all events as read from the iCal file.
* Adds a Unix timestamp to all `{DTSTART|DTEND|RECURRENCE-ID}_array` arrays
* Tracks modified recurrence instances
* @return boolean|void
protected function processEvents()
$events = (isset($this->cal['VEVENT'])) ? $this->cal['VEVENT'] : array();
if (empty($events)) {
return false;
foreach ($events as $key => $anEvent) {
foreach (array('DTSTART', 'DTEND', 'RECURRENCE-ID') as $type) {
if (isset($anEvent[$type])) {
$date = $anEvent[$type . '_array'][1];
if (isset($anEvent[$type . '_array'][0]['TZID'])) {
$date = sprintf(self::ICAL_DATE_TIME_TEMPLATE, $anEvent[$type . '_array'][0]['TZID']) . $date;
$anEvent[$type . '_array'][2] = $this->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($date, true, true);
$anEvent[$type . '_array'][3] = $date;
if (isset($anEvent['RECURRENCE-ID'])) {
$uid = $anEvent['UID'];
if (!isset($this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$uid])) {
$this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$uid] = array();
$recurrenceDateUtc = $this->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($anEvent['RECURRENCE-ID_array'][3], true, true);
$this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$uid][$key] = $recurrenceDateUtc;
$events[$key] = $anEvent;
$eventKeysToRemove = array();
foreach ($events as $key => $event) {
$checks[] = !isset($event['RECURRENCE-ID']);
$checks[] = isset($event['UID']);
$checks[] = isset($event['UID']) && isset($this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$event['UID']]);
if ((bool) array_product($checks)) {
$eventDtstartUnix = $this->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($event['DTSTART_array'][3], true, true);
if (false !== $alteredEventKey = array_search($eventDtstartUnix, $this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$event['UID']])) {
$eventKeysToRemove[] = $alteredEventKey;
$alteredEvent = array_replace_recursive($events[$key], $events[$alteredEventKey]);
$this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$event['UID']]['altered-event'] = array($key => $alteredEvent);
if (!empty($eventKeysToRemove)) {
foreach ($eventKeysToRemove as $eventKeyToRemove) {
$events[$eventKeyToRemove] = null;
$this->cal['VEVENT'] = $events;
* Processes recurrence rules
* @return boolean|void
protected function processRecurrences()
$events = (isset($this->cal['VEVENT'])) ? $this->cal['VEVENT'] : array();
$recurrenceEvents = array();
$allRecurrenceEvents = array();
if (empty($events)) {
return false;
foreach ($events as $anEvent) {
if (isset($anEvent['RRULE']) && $anEvent['RRULE'] !== '') {
// Tag as generated by a recurrence rule
$anEvent['RRULE_array'][2] = self::RECURRENCE_EVENT;
$isAllDayEvent = (strlen($anEvent['DTSTART_array'][1]) === 8) ? true : false;
$initialStart = new \DateTime($anEvent['DTSTART_array'][1]);
$initialStartOffset = $initialStart->getOffset();
$initialStartTimeZoneName = $initialStart->getTimezone()->getName();
if (isset($anEvent['DTEND'])) {
$initialEnd = new \DateTime($anEvent['DTEND_array'][1]);
$initialEndOffset = $initialEnd->getOffset();
$initialEndTimeZoneName = $initialEnd->getTimezone()->getName();
} else {
$initialEndTimeZoneName = $initialStartTimeZoneName;
// Recurring event, parse RRULE and add appropriate duplicate events
$rrules = array();
$rruleStrings = explode(';', $anEvent['RRULE']);
foreach ($rruleStrings as $s) {
list($k, $v) = explode('=', $s);
$rrules[$k] = $v;
// Get frequency
$frequency = $rrules['FREQ'];
// Get Start timestamp
$startTimestamp = $initialStart->getTimestamp();
if (isset($anEvent['DTEND'])) {
$endTimestamp = $initialEnd->getTimestamp();
} elseif (isset($anEvent['DURATION'])) {
$duration = end($anEvent['DURATION_array']);
$endTimestamp = $this->parseDuration($anEvent['DTSTART'], $duration);
} else {
$endTimestamp = $anEvent['DTSTART_array'][2];
$eventTimestampOffset = $endTimestamp - $startTimestamp;
// Get Interval
$interval = (isset($rrules['INTERVAL']) && $rrules['INTERVAL'] !== '') ? $rrules['INTERVAL'] : 1;
$dayNumber = null;
$weekday = null;
if (in_array($frequency, array('MONTHLY', 'YEARLY')) && isset($rrules['BYDAY']) && $rrules['BYDAY'] !== '') {
// Deal with BYDAY
$byDay = $rrules['BYDAY'];
$dayNumber = intval($byDay);
if (empty($dayNumber)) { // Returns 0 when no number defined in BYDAY
if (!isset($rrules['BYSETPOS'])) {
$dayNumber = 1; // Set first as default
} elseif (is_numeric($rrules['BYSETPOS'])) {
$dayNumber = $rrules['BYSETPOS'];
$weekday = substr($byDay, -2);
$untilDefault = date_create('now');
$untilDefault->modify($this->defaultSpan . ' year');
$untilDefault->setTime(23, 59, 59); // End of the day
// Compute EXDATEs
$exdates = $this->parseExdates($anEvent);
if (isset($rrules['UNTIL'])) {
// Get Until
$until = strtotime($rrules['UNTIL']);
} elseif (isset($rrules['COUNT'])) {
$countOrig = (is_numeric($rrules['COUNT']) && $rrules['COUNT'] > 1) ? $rrules['COUNT'] : 0;
// Increment count by the number of excluded dates
$countOrig += sizeof($exdates);
// Remove one to exclude the occurrence that initialises the rule
$count = ($countOrig - 1);
if ($interval >= 2) {
$count += ($count > 0) ? ($count * $interval) : 0;
$countNb = 1;
$offset = "+{$count} " . $this->frequencyConversion[$frequency];
$until = strtotime($offset, $startTimestamp);
if (in_array($frequency, array('MONTHLY', 'YEARLY'))
&& isset($rrules['BYDAY']) && $rrules['BYDAY'] !== ''
) {
$dtstart = date_create($anEvent['DTSTART']);
if (!$dtstart) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
$dtstartClone = clone $dtstart;
$dtstartClone->modify('next ' . $this->frequencyConversion[$frequency]);
$offset = "{$this->convertDayOrdinalToPositive($dayNumber, $weekday, $dtstartClone)} {$this->weekdays[$weekday]} of " . $dtstartClone->format('F Y H:i:01');
// Jumping X months forwards doesn't mean
// the end date will fall on the same day defined in BYDAY
// Use the largest of these to ensure we are going far enough
// in the future to capture our final end day
$until = max($until, $dtstart->format(self::UNIX_FORMAT));
} else {
$until = $untilDefault->getTimestamp();
$until = intval($until);
// Decide how often to add events and do so
switch ($frequency) {
case 'DAILY':
// Simply add a new event each interval of days until UNTIL is reached
$offset = "+{$interval} day";
$recurringTimestamp = strtotime($offset, $startTimestamp);
while ($recurringTimestamp <= $until) {
$dayRecurringTimestamp = $recurringTimestamp;
// Adjust time zone from initial event
$dayRecurringOffset = 0;
if ($this->useTimeZoneWithRRules) {
$recurringTimeZone = \DateTime::createFromFormat(self::UNIX_FORMAT, $dayRecurringTimestamp);
$dayRecurringOffset = $recurringTimeZone->getOffset();
$dayRecurringTimestamp += $dayRecurringOffset;
// Add event
$anEvent['DTSTART'] = date(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $dayRecurringTimestamp) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialStartTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][2] = $dayRecurringTimestamp;
$anEvent['DTEND_array'] = $anEvent['DTSTART_array'];
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][2] += $eventTimestampOffset;
$anEvent['DTEND'] = date(
) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialEndTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTEND'];
// Exclusions
$isExcluded = array_filter($exdates, function ($exdate) use ($anEvent, $dayRecurringOffset) {
return self::isExdateMatch($exdate, $anEvent, $dayRecurringOffset);
if (isset($anEvent['UID'])) {
$searchDate = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
if (isset($anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID'])) {
$searchDate = sprintf(self::ICAL_DATE_TIME_TEMPLATE, $anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID']) . $searchDate;
if (isset($this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$anEvent['UID']])) {
$searchDateUtc = $this->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($searchDate, true, true);
if (in_array($searchDateUtc, $this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$anEvent['UID']])) {
$isExcluded = true;
if (!$isExcluded) {
$anEvent = $this->processEventIcalDateTime($anEvent);
$recurrenceEvents[] = $anEvent;
// If RRULE[COUNT] is reached then break
if (isset($rrules['COUNT'])) {
if ($countNb >= $countOrig) {
// Move forwards
$recurringTimestamp = strtotime($offset, $recurringTimestamp);
$recurrenceEvents = $this->trimToRecurrenceCount($rrules, $recurrenceEvents);
$allRecurrenceEvents = array_merge($allRecurrenceEvents, $recurrenceEvents);
$recurrenceEvents = array(); // Reset
case 'WEEKLY':
// Create offset
$offset = "+{$interval} week";
$wkst = (isset($rrules['WKST']) && in_array($rrules['WKST'], array('SA', 'SU', 'MO'))) ? $rrules['WKST'] : $this->defaultWeekStart;
$aWeek = $this->weeks[$wkst];
$days = array('SA' => 'Saturday', 'SU' => 'Sunday', 'MO' => 'Monday');
// Build list of days of week to add events
$weekdays = $aWeek;
if (isset($rrules['BYDAY']) && $rrules['BYDAY'] !== '') {
$byDays = explode(',', $rrules['BYDAY']);
} else {
// A textual representation of a day, two letters (e.g. SU)
$byDays = array(mb_substr(strtoupper($initialStart->format('D')), 0, 2));
// Get timestamp of first day of start week
$weekRecurringTimestamp = (strcasecmp($initialStart->format('l'), $this->weekdays[$wkst]) === 0)
? $startTimestamp
: strtotime("last {$days[$wkst]} " . $initialStart->format('H:i:s'), $startTimestamp);
// Step through weeks
while ($weekRecurringTimestamp <= $until) {
$dayRecurringTimestamp = $weekRecurringTimestamp;
// Adjust time zone from initial event
$dayRecurringOffset = 0;
if ($this->useTimeZoneWithRRules) {
$dayRecurringTimeZone = \DateTime::createFromFormat(self::UNIX_FORMAT, $dayRecurringTimestamp);
$dayRecurringOffset = $dayRecurringTimeZone->getOffset();
$dayRecurringTimestamp += $dayRecurringOffset;
foreach ($weekdays as $day) {
// Check if day should be added
if (in_array($day, $byDays) && $dayRecurringTimestamp > $startTimestamp
&& $dayRecurringTimestamp <= $until
) {
// Add event
$anEvent['DTSTART'] = date(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $dayRecurringTimestamp) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialStartTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][2] = $dayRecurringTimestamp;
$anEvent['DTEND_array'] = $anEvent['DTSTART_array'];
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][2] += $eventTimestampOffset;
$anEvent['DTEND'] = date(
) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialEndTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTEND'];
// Exclusions
$isExcluded = array_filter($exdates, function ($exdate) use ($anEvent, $dayRecurringOffset) {
return self::isExdateMatch($exdate, $anEvent, $dayRecurringOffset);
if (isset($anEvent['UID'])) {
$searchDate = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
if (isset($anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID'])) {
$searchDate = sprintf(self::ICAL_DATE_TIME_TEMPLATE, $anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID']) . $searchDate;
if (isset($this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$anEvent['UID']])) {
$searchDateUtc = $this->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($searchDate, true, true);
if (in_array($searchDateUtc, $this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$anEvent['UID']])) {
$isExcluded = true;
if (!$isExcluded) {
$anEvent = $this->processEventIcalDateTime($anEvent);
$recurrenceEvents[] = $anEvent;
// If RRULE[COUNT] is reached then break
if (isset($rrules['COUNT'])) {
if ($countNb >= $countOrig) {
break 2;
// Move forwards a day
$dayRecurringTimestamp = strtotime('+1 day', $dayRecurringTimestamp);
// Move forwards $interval weeks
$weekRecurringTimestamp = strtotime($offset, $weekRecurringTimestamp);
$recurrenceEvents = $this->trimToRecurrenceCount($rrules, $recurrenceEvents);
$allRecurrenceEvents = array_merge($allRecurrenceEvents, $recurrenceEvents);
$recurrenceEvents = array(); // Reset
case 'MONTHLY':
// Create offset
$recurringTimestamp = $startTimestamp;
$offset = "+{$interval} month";
if (isset($rrules['BYMONTHDAY']) && $rrules['BYMONTHDAY'] !== '') {
// Deal with BYMONTHDAY
$monthdays = explode(',', $rrules['BYMONTHDAY']);
while ($recurringTimestamp <= $until) {
foreach ($monthdays as $key => $monthday) {
if ($key === 0) {
// Ensure original event conforms to monthday rule
$anEvent['DTSTART'] = gmdate(
'Ym' . sprintf('%02d', $monthday) . '\T' . self::TIME_FORMAT,
) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialStartTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTEND'] = gmdate(
'Ym' . sprintf('%02d', $monthday) . '\T' . self::TIME_FORMAT,
? $this->parseDuration($anEvent['DTSTART'], end($anEvent['DURATION_array']))
: strtotime($anEvent['DTEND'])
) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialEndTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][2] = $this->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($anEvent['DTSTART']);
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTEND'];
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][2] = $this->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($anEvent['DTEND']);
// Ensure recurring timestamp confirms to BYMONTHDAY rule
$monthRecurringTimestamp = $this->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp(
'Ym' . sprintf('%02d', $monthday) . '\T' . self::TIME_FORMAT,
) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialStartTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '')
// Adjust time zone from initial event
$monthRecurringOffset = 0;
if ($this->useTimeZoneWithRRules) {
$recurringTimeZone = \DateTime::createFromFormat(self::UNIX_FORMAT, $monthRecurringTimestamp);
$monthRecurringOffset = $recurringTimeZone->getOffset();
$monthRecurringTimestamp += $monthRecurringOffset;
// Add event
$anEvent['DTSTART'] = date(
'Ym' . sprintf('%02d', $monthday) . '\T' . self::TIME_FORMAT,
) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialStartTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][2] = $monthRecurringTimestamp;
$anEvent['DTEND_array'] = $anEvent['DTSTART_array'];
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][2] += $eventTimestampOffset;
$anEvent['DTEND'] = date(
) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialEndTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTEND'];
// Exclusions
$isExcluded = array_filter($exdates, function ($exdate) use ($anEvent, $monthRecurringOffset) {
return self::isExdateMatch($exdate, $anEvent, $monthRecurringOffset);
if (isset($anEvent['UID'])) {
$searchDate = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
if (isset($anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID'])) {
$searchDate = sprintf(self::ICAL_DATE_TIME_TEMPLATE, $anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID']) . $searchDate;
if (isset($this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$anEvent['UID']])) {
$searchDateUtc = $this->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($searchDate, true, true);
if (in_array($searchDateUtc, $this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$anEvent['UID']])) {
$isExcluded = true;
if (!$isExcluded) {
$anEvent = $this->processEventIcalDateTime($anEvent);
$recurrenceEvents[] = $anEvent;
// If RRULE[COUNT] is reached then break
if (isset($rrules['COUNT'])) {
if ($countNb >= $countOrig) {
break 2;
// Move forwards
$recurringTimestamp = strtotime($offset, $recurringTimestamp);
} elseif (isset($rrules['BYDAY']) && $rrules['BYDAY'] !== '') {
while ($recurringTimestamp <= $until) {
$monthRecurringTimestamp = $recurringTimestamp;
// Adjust time zone from initial event
$monthRecurringOffset = 0;
if ($this->useTimeZoneWithRRules) {
$recurringTimeZone = \DateTime::createFromFormat(self::UNIX_FORMAT, $monthRecurringTimestamp);
$monthRecurringOffset = $recurringTimeZone->getOffset();
$monthRecurringTimestamp += $monthRecurringOffset;
$eventStartDesc = "{$this->convertDayOrdinalToPositive($dayNumber, $weekday, $monthRecurringTimestamp)} {$this->weekdays[$weekday]} of "
. date(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT_PRETTY, $monthRecurringTimestamp);
$eventStartTimestamp = strtotime($eventStartDesc);
if (intval($rrules['BYDAY']) === 0) {
$lastDayDesc = "last {$this->weekdays[$weekday]} of "
. date(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT_PRETTY, $monthRecurringTimestamp);
} else {
$lastDayDesc = "{$this->convertDayOrdinalToPositive($dayNumber, $weekday, $monthRecurringTimestamp)} {$this->weekdays[$weekday]} of "
. date(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT_PRETTY, $monthRecurringTimestamp);
$lastDayTimestamp = strtotime($lastDayDesc);
do {
// Prevent 5th day of a month from showing up on the next month
// If BYDAY and the event falls outside the current month, skip the event
$compareCurrentMonth = date('F', $monthRecurringTimestamp);
$compareEventMonth = date('F', $eventStartTimestamp);
if ($compareCurrentMonth !== $compareEventMonth) {
$monthRecurringTimestamp = strtotime($offset, $monthRecurringTimestamp);
if ($eventStartTimestamp > $startTimestamp && $eventStartTimestamp < $until) {
$anEvent['DTSTART'] = date(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $eventStartTimestamp) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialStartTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][2] = $eventStartTimestamp;
$anEvent['DTEND_array'] = $anEvent['DTSTART_array'];
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][2] += $eventTimestampOffset;
$anEvent['DTEND'] = date(
) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialEndTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTEND'];
// Exclusions
$isExcluded = array_filter($exdates, function ($exdate) use ($anEvent, $monthRecurringOffset) {
return self::isExdateMatch($exdate, $anEvent, $monthRecurringOffset);
if (isset($anEvent['UID'])) {
$searchDate = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
if (isset($anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID'])) {
$searchDate = sprintf(self::ICAL_DATE_TIME_TEMPLATE, $anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID']) . $searchDate;
if (isset($this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$anEvent['UID']])) {
$searchDateUtc = $this->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($searchDate, true, true);
if (in_array($searchDateUtc, $this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$anEvent['UID']])) {
$isExcluded = true;
if (!$isExcluded) {
$anEvent = $this->processEventIcalDateTime($anEvent);
$recurrenceEvents[] = $anEvent;
// If RRULE[COUNT] is reached then break
if (isset($rrules['COUNT'])) {
if ($countNb >= $countOrig) {
break 2;
if (isset($rrules['BYSETPOS'])) {
// BYSETPOS is defined so skip
// looping through each week
$lastDayTimestamp = $eventStartTimestamp;
$eventStartTimestamp += self::SECONDS_IN_A_WEEK;
} while ($eventStartTimestamp <= $lastDayTimestamp);
// Move forwards
$recurringTimestamp = strtotime($offset, $recurringTimestamp);
$recurrenceEvents = $this->trimToRecurrenceCount($rrules, $recurrenceEvents);
$allRecurrenceEvents = array_merge($allRecurrenceEvents, $recurrenceEvents);
$recurrenceEvents = array(); // Reset
case 'YEARLY':
// Create offset
$recurringTimestamp = $startTimestamp;
$offset = "+{$interval} year";
// Deal with BYMONTH
if (isset($rrules['BYMONTH']) && $rrules['BYMONTH'] !== '') {
$bymonths = explode(',', $rrules['BYMONTH']);
// Check if BYDAY rule exists
if (isset($rrules['BYDAY']) && $rrules['BYDAY'] !== '') {
while ($recurringTimestamp <= $until) {
$yearRecurringTimestamp = $recurringTimestamp;
// Adjust time zone from initial event
$yearRecurringOffset = 0;
if ($this->useTimeZoneWithRRules) {
$recurringTimeZone = \DateTime::createFromFormat(self::UNIX_FORMAT, $yearRecurringTimestamp);
$yearRecurringOffset = $recurringTimeZone->getOffset();
$yearRecurringTimestamp += $yearRecurringOffset;
foreach ($bymonths as $bymonth) {
$eventStartDesc = "{$this->convertDayOrdinalToPositive($dayNumber, $weekday, $yearRecurringTimestamp)} {$this->weekdays[$weekday]}"
. " of {$this->monthNames[$bymonth]} "
. gmdate('Y H:i:s', $yearRecurringTimestamp);
$eventStartTimestamp = strtotime($eventStartDesc);
if (intval($rrules['BYDAY']) === 0) {
$lastDayDesc = "last {$this->weekdays[$weekday]}"
. " of {$this->monthNames[$bymonth]} "
. gmdate('Y H:i:s', $yearRecurringTimestamp);
} else {
$lastDayDesc = "{$this->convertDayOrdinalToPositive($dayNumber, $weekday, $yearRecurringTimestamp)} {$this->weekdays[$weekday]}"
. " of {$this->monthNames[$bymonth]} "
. gmdate('Y H:i:s', $yearRecurringTimestamp);
$lastDayTimestamp = strtotime($lastDayDesc);
do {
if ($eventStartTimestamp > $startTimestamp && $eventStartTimestamp < $until) {
$anEvent['DTSTART'] = date(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $eventStartTimestamp) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialStartTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][2] = $eventStartTimestamp;
$anEvent['DTEND_array'] = $anEvent['DTSTART_array'];
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][2] += $eventTimestampOffset;
$anEvent['DTEND'] = date(
) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialEndTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTEND'];
// Exclusions
$isExcluded = array_filter($exdates, function ($exdate) use ($anEvent, $yearRecurringOffset) {
return self::isExdateMatch($exdate, $anEvent, $yearRecurringOffset);
if (isset($anEvent['UID'])) {
$searchDate = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
if (isset($anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID'])) {
$searchDate = sprintf(self::ICAL_DATE_TIME_TEMPLATE, $anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID']) . $searchDate;
if (isset($this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$anEvent['UID']])) {
$searchDateUtc = $this->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($searchDate, true, true);
if (in_array($searchDateUtc, $this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$anEvent['UID']])) {
$isExcluded = true;
if (!$isExcluded) {
$anEvent = $this->processEventIcalDateTime($anEvent);
$recurrenceEvents[] = $anEvent;
// If RRULE[COUNT] is reached then break
if (isset($rrules['COUNT'])) {
if ($countNb >= $countOrig) {
break 3;
$eventStartTimestamp += self::SECONDS_IN_A_WEEK;
} while ($eventStartTimestamp <= $lastDayTimestamp);
// Move forwards
$recurringTimestamp = strtotime($offset, $recurringTimestamp);
} else {
$day = $initialStart->format('d');
// Step through years
while ($recurringTimestamp <= $until) {
$yearRecurringTimestamp = $recurringTimestamp;
// Adjust time zone from initial event
$yearRecurringOffset = 0;
if ($this->useTimeZoneWithRRules) {
$recurringTimeZone = \DateTime::createFromFormat(self::UNIX_FORMAT, $yearRecurringTimestamp);
$yearRecurringOffset = $recurringTimeZone->getOffset();
$yearRecurringTimestamp += $yearRecurringOffset;
$eventStartDescs = array();
if (isset($rrules['BYMONTH']) && $rrules['BYMONTH'] !== '') {
foreach ($bymonths as $bymonth) {
array_push($eventStartDescs, "$day {$this->monthNames[$bymonth]} " . gmdate('Y H:i:s', $yearRecurringTimestamp));
} else {
array_push($eventStartDescs, $day . gmdate(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT_PRETTY, $yearRecurringTimestamp));
foreach ($eventStartDescs as $eventStartDesc) {
$eventStartTimestamp = strtotime($eventStartDesc);
if ($eventStartTimestamp > $startTimestamp && $eventStartTimestamp < $until) {
$anEvent['DTSTART'] = date(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $eventStartTimestamp) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialStartTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
$anEvent['DTSTART_array'][2] = $eventStartTimestamp;
$anEvent['DTEND_array'] = $anEvent['DTSTART_array'];
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][2] += $eventTimestampOffset;
$anEvent['DTEND'] = date(
) . ($isAllDayEvent || ($initialEndTimeZoneName === 'Z') ? 'Z' : '');
$anEvent['DTEND_array'][1] = $anEvent['DTEND'];
// Exclusions
$isExcluded = array_filter($exdates, function ($exdate) use ($anEvent, $yearRecurringOffset) {
return self::isExdateMatch($exdate, $anEvent, $yearRecurringOffset);
if (isset($anEvent['UID'])) {
$searchDate = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
if (isset($anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID'])) {
$searchDate = sprintf(self::ICAL_DATE_TIME_TEMPLATE, $anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID']) . $searchDate;
if (isset($this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$anEvent['UID']])) {
$searchDateUtc = $this->iCalDateToUnixTimestamp($searchDate, true, true);
if (in_array($searchDateUtc, $this->alteredRecurrenceInstances[$anEvent['UID']])) {
$isExcluded = true;
if (!$isExcluded) {
$anEvent = $this->processEventIcalDateTime($anEvent);
$recurrenceEvents[] = $anEvent;
// If RRULE[COUNT] is reached then break
if (isset($rrules['COUNT'])) {
if ($countNb >= $countOrig) {
break 2;
// Move forwards
$recurringTimestamp = strtotime($offset, $recurringTimestamp);
$recurrenceEvents = $this->trimToRecurrenceCount($rrules, $recurrenceEvents);
$allRecurrenceEvents = array_merge($allRecurrenceEvents, $recurrenceEvents);
$recurrenceEvents = array(); // Reset
$events = array_merge($events, $allRecurrenceEvents);
$this->cal['VEVENT'] = $events;
* Processes date conversions using the time zone
* Add keys `DTSTART_tz` and `DTEND_tz` to each Event
* These keys contain dates adapted to the calendar
* time zone depending on the event `TZID`.
* @return boolean|void
protected function processDateConversions()
$events = (isset($this->cal['VEVENT'])) ? $this->cal['VEVENT'] : array();
if (empty($events)) {
return false;
foreach ($events as $key => $anEvent) {
if (!$this->isValidDate($anEvent['DTSTART'])) {
if ($this->useTimeZoneWithRRules && isset($anEvent['RRULE_array'][2]) && $anEvent['RRULE_array'][2] === self::RECURRENCE_EVENT) {
$events[$key]['DTSTART_tz'] = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
$events[$key]['DTEND_tz'] = $anEvent['DTEND'];
} else {
$events[$key]['DTSTART_tz'] = $this->iCalDateWithTimeZone($anEvent, 'DTSTART');
if ($this->iCalDateWithTimeZone($anEvent, 'DTEND')) {
$events[$key]['DTEND_tz'] = $this->iCalDateWithTimeZone($anEvent, 'DTEND');
} elseif ($this->iCalDateWithTimeZone($anEvent, 'DURATION')) {
$events[$key]['DTEND_tz'] = $this->iCalDateWithTimeZone($anEvent, 'DURATION');
$this->cal['VEVENT'] = $events;
* Extends the `{DTSTART|DTEND|RECURRENCE-ID}_array`
* array to include an iCal date time for each event
* @param array $event
* @param integer $index
* @return array
protected function processEventIcalDateTime(array $event, $index = 3)
$calendarTimeZone = $this->calendarTimeZone(true);
foreach (array('DTSTART', 'DTEND', 'RECURRENCE-ID') as $type) {
if (isset($event["{$type}_array"])) {
$timeZone = (isset($event["{$type}_array"][0]['TZID'])) ? $event["{$type}_array"][0]['TZID'] : $calendarTimeZone;
$event["{$type}_array"][$index] = ((is_null($timeZone)) ? '' : sprintf(self::ICAL_DATE_TIME_TEMPLATE, $timeZone)) . $event["{$type}_array"][1];
return $event;
* Returns an array of Events.
* Every event is a class with the event
* details being properties within it.
* @return array
public function events()
$array = $this->cal;
$array = isset($array['VEVENT']) ? $array['VEVENT'] : array();
$events = array();
if (!empty($array)) {
foreach ($array as $event) {
$events[] = new Event($event);
return $events;
* Returns the calendar name
* @return string
public function calendarName()
return isset($this->cal['VCALENDAR']['X-WR-CALNAME']) ? $this->cal['VCALENDAR']['X-WR-CALNAME'] : '';
* Returns the calendar description
* @return string
public function calendarDescription()
return isset($this->cal['VCALENDAR']['X-WR-CALDESC']) ? $this->cal['VCALENDAR']['X-WR-CALDESC'] : '';
* Returns the calendar time zone
* @param boolean $ignoreUtc
* @return string
public function calendarTimeZone($ignoreUtc = false)
if (isset($this->cal['VCALENDAR']['X-WR-TIMEZONE'])) {
$timeZone = $this->cal['VCALENDAR']['X-WR-TIMEZONE'];
} elseif (isset($this->cal['VTIMEZONE']['TZID'])) {
$timeZone = $this->cal['VTIMEZONE']['TZID'];
} else {
$timeZone = $this->defaultTimeZone;
// Use default time zone if the calendar's is invalid
if ($this->isValidIanaTimeZoneId($timeZone) === false) {
// phpcs:ignore CustomPHPCS.ControlStructures.AssignmentInCondition.Warning
if (($timeZone = $this->isValidCldrTimeZoneId($timeZone, true)) === false) {
$timeZone = $this->defaultTimeZone;
if ($ignoreUtc && strtoupper($timeZone) === self::TIME_ZONE_UTC) {
return null;
return $timeZone;
* Returns an array of arrays with all free/busy events.
* Every event is an associative array and each property
* is an element it.
* @return array
public function freeBusyEvents()
$array = $this->cal;
return isset($array['VFREEBUSY']) ? $array['VFREEBUSY'] : '';
* Returns a boolean value whether the
* current calendar has events or not
* @return boolean
public function hasEvents()
return (count($this->events()) > 0) ?: false;
* Returns a sorted array of the events in a given range,
* or an empty array if no events exist in the range.
* Events will be returned if the start or end date is contained within the
* range (inclusive), or if the event starts before and end after the range.
* If a start date is not specified or of a valid format, then the start
* of the range will default to the current time and date of the server.
* If an end date is not specified or of a valid format, then the end of
* the range will default to the current time and date of the server,
* plus 20 years.
* Note that this function makes use of Unix timestamps. This might be a
* problem for events on, during, or after 29 Jan 2038.
* See
* @param string $rangeStart
* @param string $rangeEnd
* @return array
* @throws \Exception
public function eventsFromRange($rangeStart = false, $rangeEnd = false)
// Sort events before processing range
$events = $this->sortEventsWithOrder($this->events(), SORT_ASC);
if (empty($events)) {
return array();
$extendedEvents = array();
if ($rangeStart) {
try {
$rangeStart = new \DateTime($rangeStart, new \DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
error_log("ICal::eventsFromRange: Invalid date passed ({$rangeStart})");
$rangeStart = false;
} else {
$rangeStart = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone));
if ($rangeEnd) {
try {
$rangeEnd = new \DateTime($rangeEnd, new \DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
error_log("ICal::eventsFromRange: Invalid date passed ({$rangeEnd})");
$rangeEnd = false;
} else {
$rangeEnd = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone));
$rangeEnd->modify('+20 years');
// If start and end are identical and are dates with no times...
if ($rangeEnd->format('His') == 0 && $rangeStart->getTimestamp() == $rangeEnd->getTimestamp()) {
$rangeEnd->modify('+1 day');
$rangeStart = $rangeStart->getTimestamp();
$rangeEnd = $rangeEnd->getTimestamp();
foreach ($events as $anEvent) {
$eventStart = $anEvent->dtstart_array[2];
$eventEnd = (isset($anEvent->dtend_array[2])) ? $anEvent->dtend_array[2] : null;
if (($eventStart >= $rangeStart && $eventStart < $rangeEnd) // Event start date contained in the range
|| ($eventEnd !== null
&& (
($eventEnd > $rangeStart && $eventEnd <= $rangeEnd) // Event end date contained in the range
|| ($eventStart < $rangeStart && $eventEnd > $rangeEnd) // Event starts before and finishes after range
) {
$extendedEvents[] = $anEvent;
if (empty($extendedEvents)) {
return array();
return $extendedEvents;
* Returns a sorted array of the events following a given string,
* or `false` if no events exist in the range.
* @param string $interval
* @return array
public function eventsFromInterval($interval)
$rangeStart = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone));
$rangeEnd = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone));
$dateInterval = \DateInterval::createFromDateString($interval);
return $this->eventsFromRange($rangeStart->format('Y-m-d'), $rangeEnd->format('Y-m-d'));
* Sorts events based on a given sort order
* @param array $events
* @return array
public function sortEventsWithOrder(array $events, $sortOrder = SORT_ASC)
$extendedEvents = array();
$timestamp = array();
foreach ($events as $key => $anEvent) {
$extendedEvents[] = $anEvent;
$timestamp[$key] = $anEvent->dtstart_array[2];
array_multisort($timestamp, $sortOrder, $extendedEvents);
return $extendedEvents;
* Checks if a time zone is valid (IANA or CLDR)
* @param string $timeZone
* @return boolean
protected function isValidTimeZoneId($timeZone)
return ($this->isValidIanaTimeZoneId($timeZone) !== false || $this->isValidCldrTimeZoneId($timeZone) !== false);
* Checks if a time zone is a valid IANA time zone
* @param string $timeZone
* @return boolean
protected function isValidIanaTimeZoneId($timeZone)
if (in_array($timeZone, $this->validTimeZones)) {
return true;
$valid = array();
$tza = timezone_abbreviations_list();
foreach ($tza as $zone) {
foreach ($zone as $item) {
$valid[$item['timezone_id']] = true;
if (isset($valid[$timeZone]) || in_array($timeZone, timezone_identifiers_list(\DateTimeZone::ALL_WITH_BC))) {
$this->validTimeZones[] = $timeZone;
return true;
return false;
* Checks if a time zone is a valid CLDR time zone
* @param string $timeZone
* @param boolean $doConversion
* @return boolean|string
public function isValidCldrTimeZoneId($timeZone, $doConversion = false)
$timeZone = html_entity_decode($timeZone);
$cldrTimeZones = array(
'(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West' => 'Etc/GMT+12',
'(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11' => 'Etc/GMT+11',
'(UTC-10:00) Hawaii' => 'Pacific/Honolulu',
'(UTC-09:00) Alaska' => 'America/Anchorage',
'(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)' => 'America/Los_Angeles',
'(UTC-07:00) Arizona' => 'America/Phoenix',
'(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan' => 'America/Chihuahua',
'(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)' => 'America/Denver',
'(UTC-06:00) Central America' => 'America/Guatemala',
'(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)' => 'America/Chicago',
'(UTC-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey' => 'America/Mexico_City',
'(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan' => 'America/Regina',
'(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco' => 'America/Bogota',
'(UTC-05:00) Chetumal' => 'America/Cancun',
'(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)' => 'America/New_York',
'(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)' => 'America/Indianapolis',
'(UTC-04:00) Asuncion' => 'America/Asuncion',
'(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)' => 'America/Halifax',
'(UTC-04:00) Caracas' => 'America/Caracas',
'(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba' => 'America/Cuiaba',
'(UTC-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan' => 'America/La_Paz',
'(UTC-04:00) Santiago' => 'America/Santiago',
'(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland' => 'America/St_Johns',
'(UTC-03:00) Brasilia' => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
'(UTC-03:00) Cayenne, Fortaleza' => 'America/Cayenne',
'(UTC-03:00) City of Buenos Aires' => 'America/Buenos_Aires',
'(UTC-03:00) Greenland' => 'America/Godthab',
'(UTC-03:00) Montevideo' => 'America/Montevideo',
'(UTC-03:00) Salvador' => 'America/Bahia',
'(UTC-02:00) Coordinated Universal Time-02' => 'Etc/GMT+2',
'(UTC-01:00) Azores' => 'Atlantic/Azores',
'(UTC-01:00) Cabo Verde Is.' => 'Atlantic/Cape_Verde',
'(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time' => 'Etc/GMT',
'(UTC+00:00) Casablanca' => 'Africa/Casablanca',
'(UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London' => 'Europe/London',
'(UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik' => 'Atlantic/Reykjavik',
'(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna' => 'Europe/Berlin',
'(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague' => 'Europe/Budapest',
'(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris' => 'Europe/Paris',
'(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb' => 'Europe/Warsaw',
'(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa' => 'Africa/Lagos',
'(UTC+02:00) Amman' => 'Asia/Amman',
'(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest' => 'Europe/Bucharest',
'(UTC+02:00) Beirut' => 'Asia/Beirut',
'(UTC+02:00) Cairo' => 'Africa/Cairo',
'(UTC+02:00) Chisinau' => 'Europe/Chisinau',
'(UTC+02:00) Damascus' => 'Asia/Damascus',
'(UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoria' => 'Africa/Johannesburg',
'(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius' => 'Europe/Kiev',
'(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem' => 'Asia/Jerusalem',
'(UTC+02:00) Kaliningrad' => 'Europe/Kaliningrad',
'(UTC+02:00) Tripoli' => 'Africa/Tripoli',
'(UTC+02:00) Windhoek' => 'Africa/Windhoek',
'(UTC+03:00) Baghdad' => 'Asia/Baghdad',
'(UTC+03:00) Istanbul' => 'Europe/Istanbul',
'(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh' => 'Asia/Riyadh',
'(UTC+03:00) Minsk' => 'Europe/Minsk',
'(UTC+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd' => 'Europe/Moscow',
'(UTC+03:00) Nairobi' => 'Africa/Nairobi',
'(UTC+03:30) Tehran' => 'Asia/Tehran',
'(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat' => 'Asia/Dubai',
'(UTC+04:00) Baku' => 'Asia/Baku',
'(UTC+04:00) Izhevsk, Samara' => 'Europe/Samara',
'(UTC+04:00) Port Louis' => 'Indian/Mauritius',
'(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi' => 'Asia/Tbilisi',
'(UTC+04:00) Yerevan' => 'Asia/Yerevan',
'(UTC+04:30) Kabul' => 'Asia/Kabul',
'(UTC+05:00) Ashgabat, Tashkent' => 'Asia/Tashkent',
'(UTC+05:00) Ekaterinburg' => 'Asia/Yekaterinburg',
'(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi' => 'Asia/Karachi',
'(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi' => 'Asia/Calcutta',
'(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura' => 'Asia/Colombo',
'(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu' => 'Asia/Katmandu',
'(UTC+06:00) Astana' => 'Asia/Almaty',
'(UTC+06:00) Dhaka' => 'Asia/Dhaka',
'(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)' => 'Asia/Rangoon',
'(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta' => 'Asia/Bangkok',
'(UTC+07:00) Krasnoyarsk' => 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk',
'(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk' => 'Asia/Novosibirsk',
'(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi' => 'Asia/Shanghai',
'(UTC+08:00) Irkutsk' => 'Asia/Irkutsk',
'(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore' => 'Asia/Singapore',
'(UTC+08:00) Perth' => 'Australia/Perth',
'(UTC+08:00) Taipei' => 'Asia/Taipei',
'(UTC+08:00) Ulaanbaatar' => 'Asia/Ulaanbaatar',
'(UTC+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo' => 'Asia/Tokyo',
'(UTC+09:00) Pyongyang' => 'Asia/Pyongyang',
'(UTC+09:00) Seoul' => 'Asia/Seoul',
'(UTC+09:00) Yakutsk' => 'Asia/Yakutsk',
'(UTC+09:30) Adelaide' => 'Australia/Adelaide',
'(UTC+09:30) Darwin' => 'Australia/Darwin',
'(UTC+10:00) Brisbane' => 'Australia/Brisbane',
'(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney' => 'Australia/Sydney',
'(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby' => 'Pacific/Port_Moresby',
'(UTC+10:00) Hobart' => 'Australia/Hobart',
'(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok' => 'Asia/Vladivostok',
'(UTC+11:00) Chokurdakh' => 'Asia/Srednekolymsk',
'(UTC+11:00) Magadan' => 'Asia/Magadan',
'(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia' => 'Pacific/Guadalcanal',
'(UTC+12:00) Anadyr, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky' => 'Asia/Kamchatka',
'(UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington' => 'Pacific/Auckland',
'(UTC+12:00) Coordinated Universal Time+12' => 'Etc/GMT-12',
'(UTC+12:00) Fiji' => 'Pacific/Fiji',
"(UTC+13:00) Nuku'alofa" => 'Pacific/Tongatapu',
'(UTC+13:00) Samoa' => 'Pacific/Apia',
'(UTC+14:00) Kiritimati Island' => 'Pacific/Kiritimati',
if (array_key_exists($timeZone, $cldrTimeZones)) {
if ($doConversion) {
return $cldrTimeZones[$timeZone];
} else {
return true;
return false;
* Parses a duration and applies it to a date
* @param string $date
* @param string $duration
* @param string $format
* @return integer|DateTime
protected function parseDuration($date, $duration, $format = self::UNIX_FORMAT)
$dateTime = date_create($date);
$dateTime->modify($duration->y . ' year');
$dateTime->modify($duration->m . ' month');
$dateTime->modify($duration->d . ' day');
$dateTime->modify($duration->h . ' hour');
$dateTime->modify($duration->i . ' minute');
$dateTime->modify($duration->s . ' second');
if (is_null($format)) {
$output = $dateTime;
} else {
if ($format === self::UNIX_FORMAT) {
$output = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
} else {
$output = $dateTime->format($format);
return $output;
* Gets the number of days between a start and end date
* @param integer $days
* @param integer $start
* @param integer $end
* @return integer
protected function numberOfDays($days, $start, $end)
$w = array(date('w', $start), date('w', $end));
$oneWeek = self::SECONDS_IN_A_WEEK;
$x = floor(($end - $start) / $oneWeek);
$sum = 0;
for ($day = 0; $day < 7; ++$day) {
if ($days & pow(2, $day)) {
$sum += $x + (($w[0] > $w[1]) ? $w[0] <= $day || $day <= $w[1] : $w[0] <= $day && $day <= $w[1]);
return $sum;
* Converts a negative day ordinal to
* its equivalent positive form
* @param integer $dayNumber
* @param integer $weekday
* @param integer $timestamp
* @return string
protected function convertDayOrdinalToPositive($dayNumber, $weekday, $timestamp)
$dayNumber = empty($dayNumber) ? 1 : $dayNumber; // Returns 0 when no number defined in BYDAY
$dayOrdinals = $this->dayOrdinals;
// We only care about negative BYDAY values
if ($dayNumber >= 1) {
return $dayOrdinals[$dayNumber];
$timestamp = (is_object($timestamp)) ? $timestamp : \DateTime::createFromFormat(self::UNIX_FORMAT, $timestamp);
$start = strtotime('first day of ' . $timestamp->format(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT_PRETTY));
$end = strtotime('last day of ' . $timestamp->format(self::DATE_TIME_FORMAT_PRETTY));
// Used with pow(2, X) so pow(2, 4) is THURSDAY
$weekdays = array_flip(array_keys($this->weekdays));
$numberOfDays = $this->numberOfDays(pow(2, $weekdays[$weekday]), $start, $end);
// Create subset
$dayOrdinals = array_slice($dayOrdinals, 0, $numberOfDays, true);
// Reverse only the values
$dayOrdinals = array_combine(array_keys($dayOrdinals), array_reverse(array_values($dayOrdinals)));
return $dayOrdinals[$dayNumber * -1];
* Removes unprintable ASCII and UTF-8 characters
* @param string $data
* @return string
protected function removeUnprintableChars($data)
return preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x7F\xA0]/u', '', $data);
* Provides a polyfill for PHP 7.2's `mb_chr()`, which is a multibyte safe version of `chr()`.
* Multibyte safe.
* @param integer $code
* @return string
protected function mb_chr($code)
if (function_exists('mb_chr')) {
return mb_chr($code);
} else {
if (0x80 > $code %= 0x200000) {
$s = chr($code);
} elseif (0x800 > $code) {
$s = chr(0xc0 | $code >> 6) . chr(0x80 | $code & 0x3f);
} elseif (0x10000 > $code) {
$s = chr(0xe0 | $code >> 12) . chr(0x80 | $code >> 6 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $code & 0x3f);
} else {
$s = chr(0xf0 | $code >> 18) . chr(0x80 | $code >> 12 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $code >> 6 & 0x3f) . chr(0x80 | $code & 0x3f);
return $s;
* Replaces all occurrences of a search string with a given replacement string.
* Multibyte safe.
* @param string|array $search
* @param string|array $replace
* @param string|array $subject
* @param integer $count
* @return array|string
protected function mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $subject, &$count = 0)
if (!is_array($subject)) {
// Normalize `$search` and `$replace` so they are both arrays of the same length
$searches = is_array($search) ? array_values($search) : array($search);
$replacements = is_array($replace) ? array_values($replace) : array($replace);
$replacements = array_pad($replacements, count($searches), '');
foreach ($searches as $key => $search) {
$parts = mb_split(preg_quote($search), $subject);
$count += count($parts) - 1;
$subject = implode($replacements[$key], $parts);
} else {
// Call `mb_str_replace` for each subject in array, recursively
foreach ($subject as $key => $value) {
$subject[$key] = $this->mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $value, $count);
return $subject;
* Replaces curly quotes and other special characters
* with their standard equivalents
* @param string $data
* @return string
protected function cleanData($data)
$replacementChars = array(
"\xe2\x80\x98" => "'", //
"\xe2\x80\x99" => "'", //
"\xe2\x80\x9a" => "'", //
"\xe2\x80\x9b" => "'", //
"\xe2\x80\x9c" => '"', // “
"\xe2\x80\x9d" => '"', // ”
"\xe2\x80\x9e" => '"', // „
"\xe2\x80\x9f" => '"', // ‟
"\xe2\x80\x93" => '-', //
"\xe2\x80\x94" => '--', // —
"\xe2\x80\xa6" => '...', // …
"\xc2\xa0" => ' ',
// Replace UTF-8 characters
$cleanedData = strtr($data, $replacementChars);
// Replace Windows-1252 equivalents
$charsToReplace = array_map(function ($code) {
return $this->mb_chr($code);
}, array(133, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 194));
$cleanedData = $this->mb_str_replace($charsToReplace, $replacementChars, $cleanedData);
return $cleanedData;
* Parses a list of excluded dates
* to be applied to an Event
* @param array $event
* @return array
public function parseExdates(array $event)
if (empty($event['EXDATE_array'])) {
return array();
} else {
$exdates = $event['EXDATE_array'];
$output = array();
$currentTimeZone = $this->defaultTimeZone;
foreach ($exdates as $subArray) {
$finalKey = key($subArray);
foreach ($subArray as $key => $value) {
if ($key === 'TZID') {
$checkTimeZone = $subArray[$key];
if ($this->isValidIanaTimeZoneId($checkTimeZone)) {
$currentTimeZone = $checkTimeZone;
} elseif ($this->isValidCldrTimeZoneId($checkTimeZone)) {
$currentTimeZone = $this->isValidCldrTimeZoneId($checkTimeZone, true);
} else {
$currentTimeZone = $this->defaultTimeZone;
} elseif (is_numeric($key)) {
$icalDate = $subArray[$key];
if (substr($icalDate, -1) === 'Z') {
$currentTimeZone = self::TIME_ZONE_UTC;
$output[] = new Carbon($icalDate, $currentTimeZone);
if ($key === $finalKey) {
// Reset to default
$currentTimeZone = $this->defaultTimeZone;
return $output;
* Checks if a date string is a valid date
* @param string $value
* @return boolean
* @throws \Exception
public function isValidDate($value)
if (!$value) {
return false;
try {
new \DateTime($value);
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
* Checks if a filename exists as a file or URL
* @param string $filename
* @return boolean
protected function isFileOrUrl($filename)
return (file_exists($filename) || filter_var($filename, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) ?: false;
* Reads an entire file or URL into an array
* @param string $filename
* @return array
* @throws \Exception
protected function fileOrUrl($filename)
if (!$lines = file($filename, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES)) {
throw new \Exception("The file path or URL '{$filename}' does not exist.");
return $lines;
* Ensures the recurrence count is enforced against generated recurrence events.
* @param array $rrules
* @param array $recurrenceEvents
* @return array
protected function trimToRecurrenceCount(array $rrules, array $recurrenceEvents)
if (isset($rrules['COUNT'])) {
$recurrenceCount = (intval($rrules['COUNT']) - 1);
$surplusCount = (sizeof($recurrenceEvents) - $recurrenceCount);
if ($surplusCount > 0) {
$recurrenceEvents = array_slice($recurrenceEvents, 0, $recurrenceCount);
$this->eventCount -= $surplusCount;
return $recurrenceEvents;
* Checks if an excluded date matches a given date by reconciling time zones.
* @param integer $exdate
* @param array $anEvent
* @param integer $recurringOffset
* @return boolean
protected function isExdateMatch($exdate, array $anEvent, $recurringOffset)
$searchDate = $anEvent['DTSTART'];
if (substr($searchDate, -1) === 'Z') {
$timeZone = self::TIME_ZONE_UTC;
} else {
if (isset($anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID'])) {
$checkTimeZone = $anEvent['DTSTART_array'][0]['TZID'];
if ($this->isValidIanaTimeZoneId($checkTimeZone)) {
$timeZone = $checkTimeZone;
} elseif ($this->isValidCldrTimeZoneId($checkTimeZone)) {
$timeZone = $this->isValidCldrTimeZoneId($checkTimeZone, true);
} else {
$timeZone = $this->defaultTimeZone;
} else {
$timeZone = $this->defaultTimeZone;
$a = new Carbon($searchDate, $timeZone);
$b = $exdate->addSeconds($recurringOffset);
return $a->eq($b);