First demonstration Firmware

This commit is contained in:
Stefan 2019-06-27 22:40:06 +02:00
parent c63c76d784
commit 37268059d3
1 changed files with 305 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
// Buttons
const int buttonFirstRow = A0;
const int buttonSecondRow = A1;
const int buttonAdd = A2;
const int buttonSub = A3;
const int buttonXXX = A4;
const byte debounceLevel = 5;
// LED Matrix
const int driverFirstRow = 7;
const int driverSecondRow = 6;
const int driverResultRow = 5;
const int driverBit0Column = 8;
const int driverBit1Column = 9;
const int driverBit2Column = 10;
const int driverBit3Column = 11;
const int driverBit4Column = 12;
// Calculator Variables
byte FirstValue = 0;
byte SecondValue = 0;
byte ResultValue = 0;
// Matrix Variables
byte ActiveRow = 0; // 0 = FirstRow, 1 = SecondRow, 2 = ResultRow
// Timer Variables
unsigned long currentMillis;
unsigned long previousMillis;
// Button debounce
byte buttonFirstRowDebounceCounter = 0;
byte buttonSecondRowDebounceCounter = 0;
byte buttonAddDebounceCounter = 0;
byte buttonSubDebounceCounter = 0;
byte buttonXXXDebounceCounter = 0;
// Button States
bool buttonFirstRowPressed = false;
bool buttonSecondRowPressed = false;
bool buttonAddPressed = false;
bool buttonSubPressed = false;
bool buttonXXXPressed = false;
unsigned int startupCounter = 1;
// Setup Routine (started o)
void setup() {
// Setup Buttons
pinMode(buttonFirstRow, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(buttonSecondRow, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(buttonAdd, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(buttonSub, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(buttonXXX, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Setup LED Matrix
pinMode(driverFirstRow, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(driverFirstRow, LOW);
pinMode(driverSecondRow, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(driverSecondRow, LOW);
pinMode(driverResultRow, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(driverResultRow, LOW);
pinMode(driverBit0Column, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(driverBit0Column, LOW);
pinMode(driverBit1Column, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(driverBit1Column, LOW);
pinMode(driverBit2Column, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(driverBit2Column, LOW);
pinMode(driverBit3Column, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(driverBit3Column, LOW);
pinMode(driverBit4Column, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(driverBit4Column, LOW);
// save current Timestamp to start first Task in 10ms
previousMillis = millis();
// Main Program (Loop)
void loop() {
// get current Timestamp
currentMillis = millis();
// Enter this Statement if 10ms difference between both timestamps
if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - previousMillis) >= 3) {
if (startupCounter > 0) {
} else {
// Check if any button is pressed
// Update LED Matrix
// save current Timestamp to trigger next Task in 10ms
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// SubRoutines
void ButtonTask() {
if (buttonFirstRowPressed) {
buttonFirstRowPressed = false;
if (FirstValue > 0x0F) {
FirstValue = 0;
if (buttonSecondRowPressed) {
buttonSecondRowPressed = false;
if (SecondValue > 0x0F) {
SecondValue = 0;
if (buttonAddPressed) {
buttonAddPressed = false;
ResultValue = FirstValue + SecondValue;
if (buttonSubPressed) {
buttonSubPressed = false;
ResultValue = FirstValue - SecondValue;
if (buttonXXXPressed) {
buttonXXXPressed = false;
// Program here your own function
ResultValue = FirstValue xor SecondValue;
void ReadButtonsDebounced() {
// First Row Button
if (digitalRead(buttonFirstRow) == LOW) {
if (buttonFirstRowDebounceCounter < debounceLevel) {
} else {
if (buttonFirstRowDebounceCounter >= debounceLevel) {
buttonFirstRowPressed = true;
buttonFirstRowDebounceCounter = 0;
// Second Row Button
if (digitalRead(buttonSecondRow) == LOW) {
if (buttonSecondRowDebounceCounter < debounceLevel) {
} else {
if (buttonSecondRowDebounceCounter >= debounceLevel) {
buttonSecondRowPressed = true;
buttonSecondRowDebounceCounter = 0;
// Add Button
if (digitalRead(buttonAdd) == LOW) {
if (buttonAddDebounceCounter < debounceLevel) {
} else {
if (buttonAddDebounceCounter >= debounceLevel) {
buttonAddPressed = true;
buttonAddDebounceCounter = 0;
// Sub Button
if (digitalRead(buttonSub) == LOW) {
if (buttonSubDebounceCounter < debounceLevel) {
} else {
if (buttonSubDebounceCounter >= debounceLevel) {
buttonSubPressed = true;
buttonSubDebounceCounter = 0;
// XXX Button
if (digitalRead(buttonXXX) == LOW) {
if (buttonXXXDebounceCounter < debounceLevel) {
} else {
if (buttonXXXDebounceCounter >= debounceLevel) {
buttonXXXPressed = true;
buttonXXXDebounceCounter = 0;
void LEDMatrixTask() {
if (ActiveRow == 0) {
DisplayValueInRow(driverFirstRow, FirstValue);
ActiveRow = 1;
} else if (ActiveRow == 1) {
DisplayValueInRow(driverSecondRow, SecondValue);
ActiveRow = 2;
} else {
DisplayValueInRow(driverResultRow, ResultValue);
ActiveRow = 0;
void DisplayValueInRow(int row, byte value) {
// disable all rows
digitalWrite(driverFirstRow, LOW);
digitalWrite(driverSecondRow, LOW);
digitalWrite(driverResultRow, LOW);
// set new value
if (bitRead(value,0) == 1) {
digitalWrite(driverBit0Column, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(driverBit0Column, LOW);
if (bitRead(value,1) == 1) {
digitalWrite(driverBit1Column, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(driverBit1Column, LOW);
if (bitRead(value,2) == 1) {
digitalWrite(driverBit2Column, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(driverBit2Column, LOW);
if (bitRead(value,3) == 1) {
digitalWrite(driverBit3Column, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(driverBit3Column, LOW);
if (bitRead(value,4) == 1) {
digitalWrite(driverBit4Column, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(driverBit4Column, LOW);
// enable row
digitalWrite(row, HIGH);
void StartupAnimation() {
if (startupCounter < 150) {
FirstValue = 15;
SecondValue = 0;
ResultValue = 0;
} else if (startupCounter < 300) {
FirstValue = 0;
SecondValue = 15;
ResultValue = 0;
} else if (startupCounter < 450) {
FirstValue = 0;
SecondValue = 0;
ResultValue = 31;
} else if (startupCounter < 600) {
FirstValue = 1;
SecondValue = 1;
ResultValue = 1;
} else if (startupCounter < 750) {
FirstValue = 2;
SecondValue = 2;
ResultValue = 2;
} else if (startupCounter < 900) {
FirstValue = 4;
SecondValue = 4;
ResultValue = 4;
} else if (startupCounter < 1050) {
FirstValue = 8;
SecondValue = 8;
ResultValue = 8;
} else if (startupCounter < 1200) {
FirstValue = 0;
SecondValue = 0;
ResultValue = 16;
} else if (startupCounter < 1350) {
FirstValue = 0;
SecondValue = 0;
ResultValue = 0;
startupCounter = 0;